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Eksploroni versionin më të ri të Gjirafa.com, një revolucion digjital me dizajn elegant, mundësi për të gjetur informacione të reja dhe një përvojë si kurrë më parë!

Kthehu Shiko shpalljet e ngjajshme

Full Stack Web Developer (5 people)

Orar i plote

Teknologji Informative - IT




23/08/2021 12:59


Job Responsibilities:

 Full Stack Developer, should be comfortable around both front-end and back-end codinglanguages, development frameworks and third-party libraries. The role is responsible fordesigning, coding and modifying websites, web apps, back-end applications according to aclient's specifications. 

Web Developer Job Duties:

 ● Work with development teams and product managers to ideate software solutions

 ● Design client-side and server-side architecture 

● Build the front-end of applications through appealing visual design 

● Develop and manage well-functioning databases and applications (data modeling anddata development) 

● Write effective APIs

 ● Test software to ensure responsiveness and efficiency

 ● Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade software 

● Create security and data protection settings 

● Build features and applications with a mobile responsive design understanding of UI,cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and standards.

 ● Create Web Automation Scripts / Web and Data Scraping 

● Experience in planning and delivering software platforms used across multipleproducts and organizational units. 

● Deep expertise and hands on experience with Web Applications and programminglanguages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and API's. 

● Deep functional knowledge or hands on design experience with Web Services (REST,SOAP, etc ..) is needed to be successful in this position. 

● Strong grasp of security principles and how they apply to E-Commerce applications. 

Web Developer Skills and Qualifications: 

JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Web Programming Skills (PHP), E-Commerce(Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, Shopify), Teamwork, cross-browser compatibility,Web User Interface Design (UI), Security Principles, Object-Oriented Design, Web Services(REST/SOAP), Multimedia Content Development, API's 

Apply by sending your CV at: [email protected], no later than 10.09.2021.



[email protected]

+39 02 8430 2201

Prishtine / Kosove

Kjo shpallje është publikuar nga persona të tretë në platformën e Gjirafa. Gjirafa nuk mban asnjë përgjegjësi në lidhje me përmbajtjen e shpalljes ose vërtetësinë e saj. Ju lutemi, shikoni Kushtet e Përdorimit, pjesën mbi “përmbajtën e të tjerëve” për më shumë informacion.

Posto shpallje

[email protected]

+39 02 8430 2201

Prishtine / Kosove

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